Papermache Workshop

instructors Ezio Flammia e Grazia Della Valle

This theoretical, technical and practical workshop is addressed to teachers, students, artists and all who wish to work with their hands. The aim is to get acquainted with traditional and innovative Paper Mache methods experimented by the instructors both in Italy and abroad. Participants will learn about tools and work methods easily, enjoyably and in ways accessible to all. All aspects of each object will be presented from the designing to the actual making of the final product. All techniques, materials and tools used during the course will allow participants to create both simple and complex objects promptly and with the necessary know-how. The workshop will be in two sections: theory and practice. The theory section leads into the practical section offering comprehensive understanding of materials, techniques and tools with appropriate references to their application in different fields: arts and crafts, entertainment and education. It also allows participants to make informed choices of methods, materials and means for the creation of objects according to their function. The practical section, which takes up the greater part of the course allows participants to put into practice the theoretical notions either on their own or in group exercises and to build up the hand skills required to work independently.

Theory section Introdution. Brief history of paper maché in art and crafts. Paper Mache techniques and their different usages. Materials, tools, glue and putty recipes. Practical section Construction of items: fruit, masks, puppets, marionettes, large stage props.

28th June 2014 5 pm at the Museo del Fiume Sala Polifunzionale in Nazzano Presentation of the book: “Fare Cartapesta e sculture d stoffa” (Making paper mache and fabric sculptures) by Ezio Flaminia

The workshop activities will run as follows: From Monday 23rd June to Saturday 28th June 2014 from 9 am to 1 pm at Casale Bussolini, Nazzano (RM) with possible afternoon sessions.
Minimum of 10 max 22 students.
Deadline for enrolment 5th June 2014 Fee : €170,00
All materials will be provided by the Association.
Deposit (by 5th June 2014): € 40 Addressed to Associazione Il Sapere Delle Mani Post giro account no.: 3108979 OR transfer to BancoPosta account IBAN: IT27P0760103200000003108979 BIC/SWIFT: BPPIITRRXXX).
On either method of payment please state:“Corso di Cartapesta 2014” After paying the deposit please send an email to with proof of payment.
The deposit will be refunded ONLY if the minimum quota of 10 students isn’t met.

Clic HERE for the PDF Program

